talking eating disorders
Meet people in similar situations, gain information and encouragement. TEDS provide support in a confidential and non-judgmental environmentTalking Eating Disorders (TEDS) is a Merseyside based eating disorder support group and is open to anyone who is experiencing an eating disorder. The group also encourages carers, parents, extended family members and friends to attend.



We welcome anyone who –
- Is not in treatment and needs additional support towards a first step to recovery
- Is already in treatment and needs additional support from a safe environment
- Has been in recovery for some time, but feels occasionally that further support is needed
TEDS holds monthly support groups where we offer opportunities to talk, share experiences and support each other. We also offer a closed group for sufferers only.
A support group provides the opportunity to meet people in similar situations, and gain information and encouragement. It also provides support from other people with similar experiences in a safe, confidential and non-judgemental environment.
In the group you can –
- Discuss and share your experiences
- Express your feelings
- Learn or share coping strategies towards recovery
Support Meetings
We hold monthly support groups open to anyone whose lives are affected by an eating disorder. Find out where the meetings are held and when the next one is.
About TEDS
Find out how and why Leigh Best started TEDS and why she is passionate about supporting parents as well as sufferers.
Concerned for Someone?
If you’re worried about someone then it’s important to encourage them to seek treatment as quickly as possible to ensure the best chance of recovery.
Support TEDS
TEDS is run by volunteers. Find out how you can help them to keep up the great work that they do in raising awareness about eating disorders.
Get in touch
Leigh Best – TEDS Group Facilitator
07974 796990 or
Tina Marsh – TEDS Group Facilitator